Did you know that Envy Clinic & Spa offers so much more than Botox, Dermal Fillers, and Facials?
We offer the most advanced multi-functional platform delivering excellent women's wellness therapies!
1 of every 3 women over the age of 45 have some sort of stress urinary incontinence.
1 in 10 women experience pain during sexual intercourse.
We offer FDA cleared technology!
VTone to rehabilitate weak pelvic floor muscles to address stress, urge, and mixed urinary incontinence.
Best suited for women seeking treatment of sexual dysfunction, pain relief, and muscle toning.
FormaV therapy provides improvements in blood circulation, muscle pain and muscle relaxation.
Morpheus8V delivers exceptional tissue results, improving vaginal laxity.
Whether you are a new mother, battling the challenges of menopause, or a workout warrior, Empower RF/Timeless Tulip helps many women of all ages to revive their sexuality, regain confidence and empower their feminine wellness.
Call us today at 317-779-2250 or schedule a free consultation online at www.envyclinicspa.com
Our dedicated team is here to help you regain your self-confidence and improve your quality of life!
