Envy Clinic & Spa Weight Loss Program
At Envy Clinic & Spa we offer a multi-focal approach to weight loss. If you are a person who has struggled with weight loss despite following a well-balanced diet and exercising, we recommend making an appointment for a general consultation. The general consultation appointment will last approximately 1.5hrs.
At your general consultation, we will thoroughly evaluate your history, medications (including over-the-counter medications, supplements, and vitamins), lab work, current diet & exercise program, as well as an examination. It will save time if you are able to have a list of your medications with dosages, and a copy or access to recent lab work (within the last 6 months) at your appointment. After learning about your unique situation, we will provide a plan with detailed recommendations on how to help you on your weight loss journey.
Weight loss can require a combination of treatments, as such, we offer behavioral modification support, nutrition & exercise recommendations, and a review of food diaries. We also offer medication-assisted weight loss. This may include medications such as Semaglutide, Tirzepatide, as well as many others. Our weight loss program consists of required monthly follow-up appointments as well as access to our providers via text or email with any questions or concerns.
General Consultation Fee $249.00
Weight Loss Program $99.00/mth plus medication costs as appropriate.
*Weight loss program requires a minimum 3mth commitment. You may cancel anytime thereafter by calling our office.
Please give us a call with any questions. 317-779-2250